Assign A Task and Forget It!

"The web-based task management system that PROACTIVELY FOLLOWS-UP with every task until completion!"

No one Forgets!
Automatically request task updates via email - as specified.
Notifies the Individual
A new task email is sent, notifying them of the task and any supplemental information and documentation.
Everything Completed On-Time!
The automatic reminders ensure the task is not forgotten and you are updated as the task status is updated.
Reminds - Over and Over
They cannot forget, because they receive regular reminders and you are notified when they update the task status.
Creates and Sends Reports to You
Emails you various pdf reports - as specified
Manages Task Updates
No need to search for that document. You have a complete history of updates submitted, in one secure area. You receive notifications of task updates and regular reports as specified.

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